標題: 【丝袜巨献】Marcdorcel-May-EDUCATING CLÉA [打印本頁] 作者: wayne6939 時間: 2018-11-11 00:38 標題: 【丝袜巨献】Marcdorcel-May-EDUCATING CLÉA 大家好,这是一部很值得期待的片子。其中有一个桥段是我自己十分喜欢的,就是Clea Gaultier与男主角吃完晚餐开搞的一段,我对灰丝真的是一点抵抗力都没,而且还有Clea女同的桥段,各位快点下吧。教给大家一个下载的小窍门,就是用安卓的迅雷下载,速度快没拦截,更重要的是可以边下边看。 * U; \2 |" s2 S各位丝袜同好不知道大家幻想过最经典的丝袜片是什么样的,在我的片库里一直珍藏着一套我的至爱,几个亚洲女优把裤袜塞入B(是整条哦),然后拿出来再穿上。我敢说大部分人肯定都没有看过这样的桥段,我有幸试过一回,跟大学时候的女朋友,但丝袜会吧B里的淫水很快吸干,塞得她直喊疼,就没有继续下去了。想要的同好就私信我吧,但我现在也没想好到底要怎么发,因为都有几百M的。好了,不多说,上正题7 J" |7 a- n: B% k, x- M
The young and lovely Clea always wanted to help everybody. Her work in the office of Professor Vicomte, famous sexologist, allows her to satisfy her desire by helping couples in distress during their therapy. But she doesn't forget her private life. Living a secret idyll with the sexologist, Clea learns at his side to free herself of her moral codes in the most sensual way. But one day, she will discover his most secret perversion... He likes to enjoy from the pleasure of his patients. Starting to doubt, she will fear to no longer satisfy him and launch herself into new experiences of the hottest to understand his expectations. She will begin her quest in the arms of his ex-wife without knowing that he's watching her, as the master of this perverse game. Later, witnessing her deviances at his office, she will agree to submit to his initiation to new pleasures by leading one of his patients to the height of orgasm under his own eyes. Discovering that she likes to offer herself to others in front of him, their respective fantasies will finally begin to meet. An exciting working session featuring her colleague and her husband will finally open the doors of lust for her. Between the discovery of anal sex or lesbian pleasures, Clea will reveal her true nature and accept her own perversions for the greater enjoyment of the man she loves. By organizing an appointment where she will be taken withoutlimits by two men at the same time under the lustful eye of her lover, she will seal their future in the most delicious way, finally understanding that the free expression of their vices will never be a hindrance to their love.[attach]16072908[/attach][attach]16072909[/attach][attach]16072910[/attach][attach]16072911[/attach][attach]16072912[/attach][attach]16072913[/attach][attach]16072914[/attach][attach]16072915[/attach][attach]16072916[/attach][attach]16072917[/attach] ! @0 r# n% }, h# p8 Q2 \) ` m/ p% I8 j4 S2 G
[attach]16072905[/attach] 8 J1 u" }* g1 M作者: wopapapkpk 時間: 2018-11-11 02:47
我对长相很挑剔作者: 木木尼克 時間: 2018-11-11 03:43
好像很不错的样子作者: linxuann 時間: 2018-11-11 04:35
丝袜美腿我喜欢作者: myeft 時間: 2018-11-11 07:23
一定下载看看谢谢作者: ldb980 時間: 2018-11-11 09:21
多給發帖者支持,才有動力去發貼!作者: ElementXX 時間: 2018-11-11 09:39
好贴要顶~~~~!!作者: qwer-aass 時間: 2018-11-11 09:39
确实不错作者: vbnet2002 時間: 2018-11-11 09:39
好像很不错的样子作者: 芭月凉 時間: 2018-11-11 09:42
好像很不错的样子作者: wang1987zj 時間: 2018-11-11 09:55
Thank you very much!作者: hboling1 時間: 2018-11-11 10:03
相当不错,我喜欢作者: qwe110asd 時間: 2018-11-11 10:12
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽作者: man2016 時間: 2018-11-11 10:47
辛苦楼主作者: man2016 時間: 2018-11-11 10:52
辛苦楼主作者: siwa8848 時間: 2018-11-11 11:00
确实不错,我很喜欢作者: 无限漫游 時間: 2018-11-11 11:36
非常好的资源作者: never3120 時間: 2018-11-11 12:38
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽作者: kaixintaiji 時間: 2018-11-11 12:43
0 d( k% r* V; Y4 e8 ], q: e& O1 J) n萨达哈桑来大连卡桑德拉作者: bulong7991 時間: 2018-11-11 13:35
介绍的不错。收下了作者: wenxn8888 時間: 2018-11-11 15:44
The young and lovely Clea always wanted to help everybody. Her work in the office of Professor Vicomte, famous sexologist, allows her to satisfy her desire by helping couples in distress during their therapy. But she doesn't forget her private life. Living a secret idyll with the sexologist, Clea learns at his side to free herself of her moral codes in the most sensual way. But one day, she will discover his most secret perversion... He likes to enjoy from the pleasure of his patients. Starting to doubt, she will fear to no longer satisfy him and launch herself into new experiences of the hottest to understand his expectations. She will begin her quest in the arms of his ex-wife without knowing that he's watching her, as the master of this perverse game. Later, witnessing her deviances at his office, she will agree to submit to his initiation to new pleasures by leading one of his patients to the height of orgasm under his own eyes. Discovering that she likes to offer herself to others in front of him, their respective fantasies will finally begin to meet. An exciting working session featuring her colleague and her husband will finally open the doors of lust for her. Between the discovery of anal sex or lesbian pleasures, Clea will reveal her true nature and accept her own perversions for the greater enjoyment of the man she loves. By organizing an appointment where she will be taken withoutlimits by two men at the same time under the lustful eye of her lover, she will seal their future in the most delicious way, finally understanding that the free expression of their vices will never be a hindrance to their love. 作者: 单人启程 時間: 2018-11-11 15:46
都是精品啊,很难得作者: jk3438 時間: 2018-11-11 15:59
一个不一个好啊作者: jinyinzhijia 時間: 2018-11-11 16:20
鸟片,就是超赞作者: kaduoka 時間: 2018-11-11 17:34
还是啄木鸟好看作者: 200901907 時間: 2018-11-11 18:37
撒旦撒旦撒打算大作者: baihuailzj 時間: 2018-11-11 19:32
洋妞身材比例的确好作者: 大圣 時間: 2018-11-11 19:52
这女的气质很好作者: zmlolw 時間: 2018-11-11 20:04
丝袜美女身材好口活好作者: sty1006 時間: 2018-11-11 20:09
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽作者: 309992202 時間: 2018-11-11 20:24
好像很不错的样子作者: grneu2003 時間: 2018-11-11 22:38
很棒,感谢作者: didi317804 時間: 2018-11-11 22:42
这个还是很不错哦作者: mdk8008 時間: 2018-11-12 00:20
绝对的丝袜巨献!顶你!分享下你的丝袜片!作者: 唯一的橘子 時間: 2018-11-12 09:02
好东西,顶作者: leicui8900 時間: 2018-11-12 10:28